Étiquette : phrases de meditation

Hope Deepak Chopra Phrases de Meditation

Hope is my source of strenght
 Shivo Hum
 My Hope is my rock
 The power of hope is here everyday
 Sumprati Hum i am everpresence awareness
Hope make me strong and secure. 🙏
I trust in life because I trust in myself.
Om Im harim
Hope tells me everything can be transform.
My futur unfold with hope and joy 🙏
I see the hopefull inner child in everyone
 So hum – I am
I trust in life because I trust in myself.
Om Im harim
Being at peace is my greatest strength
Om Gum Namah  🙏🌈🙏
Hope tells me everything can be transform.
My futur unfold with hope and joy 🙏
I Bring hope in the present moment.
My hope is grounded in a deeper reality. 🙏
I offer hope from the simplicity of my heart 🙏
I lived in the world of my vision 🙏

Day 21 :In every moment of hope, I free myself, 🙏

Abundance Deepak Chopra Phrases de Meditation

Today I be hold all the abundance that’s around me 🙏
I create my personal abundance from an infinite source 🙏
today I focus on what I want to attract into my life 🙏
From this moment forward, I invite unlimitate abundance into my life. 🙏
Today I embrace my potential, to be, do and have whatever I can dream. 🙏
Everything I desire is within me. 🙏
I use my conscient intention to manifest my dreams 🙏
Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere 🙏
Today and every day, I give that that I want to received 🙏
Today make great choice besause they are maided with full awareness 🙏
I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me 🙏
I place my intention into the vaste ocean of all possibilities 🙏
As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the universe brings abundant good to me. 🙏
There is a way, I can fullfiled my true purpose in life 🙏
As I live in present moment awareness, I live the magic of synchrodestiny 🙏
Today I remember to be grateful 🙏
I move through my days lighhydead and care free Knowing all is well. 🙏
I celebrate my unity with all lives knowing we are all one 🙏

Today I remember to love everything everyone I come in contact with. 🙏


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