the left hemisphere looks at tiny details, the right hemisphere has the wide look, both are important and complementary.

the left hemisphere will look at simple and focalized items, objects, raw matter. it will consider what is called as « facts »; for instance A leads to B, and that’s it ! Please don’t add anything else, for this hemisphere will be lost. Things must keep simple, measurable, non-questionable, equation-able !

The right hemisphere considers situations in their large ways, it will consider the context, the systemics, and will be able to relativize any situation. This hemisphere will have a bride look of life, and will also have the ability to see forward.

For example, the left hemisphere focalizes on a small insect, will study the insect, measured it, describe the insect far away of any meaning of beauty, danger, symbolism, utility … the right hemisphere, in the same time, will see rain soon coming over the studying scene, and will give meaning of the study, give a name to the insect.

If the left hemisphere is unable to study the insect because the insect is too small, the right one will help and the right hemisphere will invent a new device to measure the insect. To do so, the left hemisphere will give to the right his needs in factual terms. Both will collaborate to progress in a same direction, the knowing of a small insect.